Fiz questão de me afastar do computador durante as férias.
De tudo alias, precisava de uma pausa, estava a ficar tudo muito intenso, o trabalho, o estudo, a procura, os projectos...precisava de parar e recarregar baterias.
Sinto-me novamente optimista e sem medos.
E ainda estou de férias, só volto ao batente a sério na 5a feira.
Soube-me pela vida estes dias!
Quanto mais acreditarmos que somos felizes venha o que vier, menos nos preocupamos com o que há-de vir.
Moments that could be mine
segunda-feira, 29 de abril de 2013
sexta-feira, 19 de abril de 2013
Não tenho tido vontade
Tenho treinado muito esta semana, tenho trabalhado alguma coisa também, e tenho visto filmes e séries.
E tenho esperado...esperado...
Hoje acordei pesada. Provavelmente porque chegamos finalmente ao ultimo dia da semana. E acho que não vale a pena esperar. Não sei porquê, acho que o meu país que eu tanto gosto lixou-me mais uma vez.
Estou farta, mesmo farta do dinheiro não chegar ao final do mês. Todos os meses é a mesma coisa! Estou cansada.
Eu sei que é sexta, e sei que entro hoje de férias, mas o mood é este. Não posso fazer nada.
quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2013
terça-feira, 16 de abril de 2013
segunda-feira, 15 de abril de 2013
Fim de semana grande
Tudo correu bem, muito bem, tão bem que estou em ânsias!!!
Sábado, exame.
A minha folha maravilha tinha tudo, e não, letra 4 não é assim tão difícil de ler. Difícil era não ter lá a matéria toda.
À tarde fui para Tróia, foi tão divertido. Apanhar sol, sol, sol, por a conversa em dia, jogar Twister, comer grelhados e dar passeios, andar de ferry. Adoro ferry-boats. É a minha cena.
Levar o little bro a uma festa, ir até à beira rio, tomar um pequeno almoço demorados com sol na cara, ler uma revista, buscar o puto e rumar para Cascais. Almoça na beira da piscina, mais sol, mais brincadeira. Voltar para Lisboa e apanhar uma fila desgraçada na marginal. Acabar o fim de semana a aninhar no sofá.
A vida é feita de pequenas coisas...que sabem tão bem quando estamos de férias de uma das nossas vidas. Para a semana vou estar de férias das duas. Mal posso esperar!!
sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2013
quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013
quarta-feira, 10 de abril de 2013
Tonight's night
Só teve piada pelo sitio de onde veio.
Queria acabar de ver...mas não tenho tempo. Mais uma semana, mas um exame.
Mas não poderia deixar de referir a possibilidade da escolha!
Oh Deus, que coisa simplesmente maravilhosa.
Para quem já (como eu) sentiu o peso da ansiedade de ser forçado, impelido a fazer qualquer coisa que não pode, nem quer, mas não consegue lutar contra, eu digo: a liberdade de poder escolher, o não depender emocionalmente de ninguém, é o ultimo passo para uma vida cheia de serenidade e felicidade.
Nunca daria valor se não tivesse passado tanto tempo sem escolha.
terça-feira, 9 de abril de 2013
Tips para ser saudavel e mais...
Lá está...não é como se já não se soubesse, mas...
1) Creating a Mindset: The first thing is to master your own mind and create a mindset that keeps you motivated for loosing body fat with the broader aim of staying healthy.
2) Calculation is the key: We have to ensure that an appropriate balance is maintained between the food we eat and the amount of calories we burn. To that end we must set a definite goal of tracking calorie intake and expense along with a sense of balance that we can dynamically manage.
3) Drink tea: Researchers across the globe have found that people who drink tea have a relatively low BMI (body mass index) and body fat.
4) Decreasing or Eliminating Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates can create a favorable environment for gaining fat but are also necessary for good health. You need to have them in your diet but within healthy limits. It is like driving on a freeway. You want to feel the speed without attracting a ticket.
5) Eat more veggies: Eating more vegetables will not only add to your skin’s gloss but also fill up your stomach without inundating your system with hundreds of calories. The bottom line is to have them as nature intended them to be consumed, without any high calorie cheese or mayonnaise dressings.
6) Eat more protein: Plan your diet in such a way that lean protein replaces fat creating carbohydrates. This will satisfy your hunger pangs as well as enhancing your overall metabolism.
7) Eating Protein Frequently: A very important point in planning protein consumption is to avoid ingesting all the protein at one meal, rather consume protein throughout the course of your daily diet. This will help in faster digestion of protein and will keep you on your overall fat reduction agenda.
8) Start meals with a salad: Salads (without high calorie fat dressings) will fill up your stomach and will eventually help you consume fewer calories through the course of your meal.
9) Include low-fat water based soups as snacks with a salad as it will fill you up with relatively fewer calories.
10) Weigh and measure foods: The best way of tracking the amount of your consumption is to use tools such as a food scale, measuring cups and spoons. Keep them handy.
11) Switch to calorie free drinks: In a solid or liquid form,Calories count, an attribute of calories which is extremely annoying to people who are trying to cut down on fat.
12) Journaling your Consumption: The simplest way to monitor your consumption is to keep a record of it in a journal.
13) Eat breakfast: People who eat breakfast are more successful with long-term weight maintenance programs. Therefore ensure that you are eat breakfast every morning.
14) Laugh often. A study of Obesity found that those who laughed hard for approximately 10-15 minutes every day burned an additional 10-40 calories. Now add that to the fact that people who laugh often are considered more sociable. So a slim and socially liked person is on the other side of your regular laughter.
15) Do not store junk snacks: Keeping chips, dips, and other high fat snack foods out of the house is very important. It is not about will power, it is about being realistic and pragmatic.
16) Slow down: It takes 15-20 minutes for the stomach to sense it’s full. If you eat your food slowly and take your time while chewing food, it will factor in the slow response rate of the stomach to its advantage.
17) Alcohol: Monitor your alcohol content as alcohol provides 7 calories/ gram. Try to limit your alcohol intake to one drink a day.
18) Regular Exercise: The most obvious way to maintain proper weight and good health is to exercise regularly. Strict adherence to your exercise schedule is a must to any “lose that fat” regimen.
19) Lift weights. Lifting weights will tone and build more muscle and burn more calories. So if possible challenge gravity in small installments, as often as you can.
20) Reduce Fatigue: Cutting down the rest time between sets of the exercise being done is important. This will increase the calories being burned as your heart rate will be elevated for a longer stretch of time.
21) Jogging: Avoid just strolling in the parks. Various studies have proven that running in intervals is a more effective way of losing excess fat.
22) Choice of Exercise: Do full body exercises, such as squats, dead-lifts, pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups etc instead of exercising just a specific muscle group. It brings the whole body in play and thus enhances calorie consumption.
23) The Staircase: Instead of using escalators and elevators walk on the staircase. In other words the corporate ladder is not the only ladder you should endeavor to scale.
24) Do not grocery shop while Hungry: Hungry grocery shopping is a strict no no, as you will end up buying junk food which will jeopardize your goal of being slim.
25) Eat Oats: Instead of eating a high sugar breakfast, eat plain rolled oats. A single serving of oats would render fewer calories as compared to the sugar coated alternatives.
26) Skip the Dessert. There are no footnotes to this option. Sugar Discipline is a non negotiable condition of the slimness contract.
27) Share your meal: Whenever you are eating out, make sure that you share your meal with your companions. It reduces the helping size and promotes goodwill between friends.
28) Avoid socializing near food tables: At a party one should avoid hanging out near the food tables as it is more likely that you will eat the food even if you are not hungry.
29) Fidget: A research proved that those who fidgeted more often and changed posture frequently, weighed relatively less than people who did not. Now we do not recommend that you lose that poise and become a seated ballerina, however a little physical movement will give some calories a run for their value.
30) Commence your day with water: Instead of starting your day with a soft drink or a juice, make sure that the first thing you consume every morning is water.
31) Count it: With the help of a pedometer make sure that you count your steps and walk at least 10,000 steps a day . Park your car occasionally and simply walk to your destination.
32) Early Exercise: You are more likely to accomplish your exercise schedule if you do it first thing in the morning. Do not postpone till dusk what can be accomplished at dawn.
33) Be honest with yourself. Ah come on, it is your life. We do not even need to put this here.
34) Pictures: Take before and after pictures and write down your goals. They are great motivators on your journey and believe me, you will need lot of that motivation to keep up with all the challenges that will come.
35) Commuting: When possible use your bike or walk to do your errands. Give your car a rest as often as you can. It has earned it.
36) Do not forget the fiber: The fiber focus should not be lost as it acts as a sponge in the body absorbing water and making us feel full.The more fiber you consume the less hungry you will feel. Replace one mid day meal with a large and a healthy salad.
37) Eggs: Eat whole eggs as a regular part of your diet. This will keep you from eating less healthy things like bagels.
38) Avoid Dense Foods: Eat foods which are high in water content and low in calories such as fruits, veggies, soups, salads.
1) Creating a Mindset: The first thing is to master your own mind and create a mindset that keeps you motivated for loosing body fat with the broader aim of staying healthy.
2) Calculation is the key: We have to ensure that an appropriate balance is maintained between the food we eat and the amount of calories we burn. To that end we must set a definite goal of tracking calorie intake and expense along with a sense of balance that we can dynamically manage.
3) Drink tea: Researchers across the globe have found that people who drink tea have a relatively low BMI (body mass index) and body fat.
4) Decreasing or Eliminating Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates can create a favorable environment for gaining fat but are also necessary for good health. You need to have them in your diet but within healthy limits. It is like driving on a freeway. You want to feel the speed without attracting a ticket.
5) Eat more veggies: Eating more vegetables will not only add to your skin’s gloss but also fill up your stomach without inundating your system with hundreds of calories. The bottom line is to have them as nature intended them to be consumed, without any high calorie cheese or mayonnaise dressings.
6) Eat more protein: Plan your diet in such a way that lean protein replaces fat creating carbohydrates. This will satisfy your hunger pangs as well as enhancing your overall metabolism.
7) Eating Protein Frequently: A very important point in planning protein consumption is to avoid ingesting all the protein at one meal, rather consume protein throughout the course of your daily diet. This will help in faster digestion of protein and will keep you on your overall fat reduction agenda.
8) Start meals with a salad: Salads (without high calorie fat dressings) will fill up your stomach and will eventually help you consume fewer calories through the course of your meal.
9) Include low-fat water based soups as snacks with a salad as it will fill you up with relatively fewer calories.
10) Weigh and measure foods: The best way of tracking the amount of your consumption is to use tools such as a food scale, measuring cups and spoons. Keep them handy.
11) Switch to calorie free drinks: In a solid or liquid form,Calories count, an attribute of calories which is extremely annoying to people who are trying to cut down on fat.
12) Journaling your Consumption: The simplest way to monitor your consumption is to keep a record of it in a journal.
13) Eat breakfast: People who eat breakfast are more successful with long-term weight maintenance programs. Therefore ensure that you are eat breakfast every morning.
14) Laugh often. A study of Obesity found that those who laughed hard for approximately 10-15 minutes every day burned an additional 10-40 calories. Now add that to the fact that people who laugh often are considered more sociable. So a slim and socially liked person is on the other side of your regular laughter.
15) Do not store junk snacks: Keeping chips, dips, and other high fat snack foods out of the house is very important. It is not about will power, it is about being realistic and pragmatic.
16) Slow down: It takes 15-20 minutes for the stomach to sense it’s full. If you eat your food slowly and take your time while chewing food, it will factor in the slow response rate of the stomach to its advantage.
17) Alcohol: Monitor your alcohol content as alcohol provides 7 calories/ gram. Try to limit your alcohol intake to one drink a day.
18) Regular Exercise: The most obvious way to maintain proper weight and good health is to exercise regularly. Strict adherence to your exercise schedule is a must to any “lose that fat” regimen.
19) Lift weights. Lifting weights will tone and build more muscle and burn more calories. So if possible challenge gravity in small installments, as often as you can.
20) Reduce Fatigue: Cutting down the rest time between sets of the exercise being done is important. This will increase the calories being burned as your heart rate will be elevated for a longer stretch of time.
21) Jogging: Avoid just strolling in the parks. Various studies have proven that running in intervals is a more effective way of losing excess fat.
22) Choice of Exercise: Do full body exercises, such as squats, dead-lifts, pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups etc instead of exercising just a specific muscle group. It brings the whole body in play and thus enhances calorie consumption.
23) The Staircase: Instead of using escalators and elevators walk on the staircase. In other words the corporate ladder is not the only ladder you should endeavor to scale.
24) Do not grocery shop while Hungry: Hungry grocery shopping is a strict no no, as you will end up buying junk food which will jeopardize your goal of being slim.
25) Eat Oats: Instead of eating a high sugar breakfast, eat plain rolled oats. A single serving of oats would render fewer calories as compared to the sugar coated alternatives.
26) Skip the Dessert. There are no footnotes to this option. Sugar Discipline is a non negotiable condition of the slimness contract.
27) Share your meal: Whenever you are eating out, make sure that you share your meal with your companions. It reduces the helping size and promotes goodwill between friends.
28) Avoid socializing near food tables: At a party one should avoid hanging out near the food tables as it is more likely that you will eat the food even if you are not hungry.
29) Fidget: A research proved that those who fidgeted more often and changed posture frequently, weighed relatively less than people who did not. Now we do not recommend that you lose that poise and become a seated ballerina, however a little physical movement will give some calories a run for their value.
30) Commence your day with water: Instead of starting your day with a soft drink or a juice, make sure that the first thing you consume every morning is water.
31) Count it: With the help of a pedometer make sure that you count your steps and walk at least 10,000 steps a day . Park your car occasionally and simply walk to your destination.
32) Early Exercise: You are more likely to accomplish your exercise schedule if you do it first thing in the morning. Do not postpone till dusk what can be accomplished at dawn.
33) Be honest with yourself. Ah come on, it is your life. We do not even need to put this here.
34) Pictures: Take before and after pictures and write down your goals. They are great motivators on your journey and believe me, you will need lot of that motivation to keep up with all the challenges that will come.
35) Commuting: When possible use your bike or walk to do your errands. Give your car a rest as often as you can. It has earned it.
36) Do not forget the fiber: The fiber focus should not be lost as it acts as a sponge in the body absorbing water and making us feel full.The more fiber you consume the less hungry you will feel. Replace one mid day meal with a large and a healthy salad.
37) Eggs: Eat whole eggs as a regular part of your diet. This will keep you from eating less healthy things like bagels.
38) Avoid Dense Foods: Eat foods which are high in water content and low in calories such as fruits, veggies, soups, salads.
Por favor
Enjoy it, embrace it, discard ...and proceed."
Ou eu é que já sofri muito na vida e portanto aprendi a relativizar as coisas, ou então sou uma besta que não entendo os problemas dos outros, mas simplesmente há coisas que acho absurdas.
Coisas más acontecem, a toda a hora. E é natural ficarmos tristes e deprimidos com isso. Mas depois, e o mais rapidamente possivel é preciso reagrupar as tropas e prosseguir viagem. Não entendo o "não consigo pensar noutra coisa", "doi muito" ou"estou deprimido", sem se tentar fazer alguma coisa para mudar isso. Parece-me absurdo, ainda para mais dada a razão.
Considero apenas que se existe um real "não consigo", então é preciso fazer qualquer coisa como ir a um médico que nos faça entender porque é que não conseguimos ultrapassar alguma coisa...
Estou irritada. Detesto coisas que não entendo e detesto ainda mais falar e continuarem-me a dizer "mas não entendes que eu não consigo!".
É só um exame for Christ sake...segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2013
Haaaa...o exame?
50 perguntas de escolha múltipla, com detalhes ínfimos e coisas para assumir aos milhões.
É daqueles exames que não interessa sequer se se estudou 3 dias, uma semana ou duas, porque...não interessa. A variância é brutal.
Eu, optimista como sou, já me esqueço do injusto que vai ser a minha nota. Espero pelo 7,5, pelo menos...
sábado, 6 de abril de 2013
sexta-feira, 5 de abril de 2013
Sabem o que eu vos digo?
A minha noção de amor era errada. E durante anos e anos, nunca percebi que aquilo que eu sentia, por mais que eu achasse que era amor e paixão, não era.
Os sentimentos estavam lá, nem os vou negar (alias nem podia, eles acabaram comigo durante tanto tempo), mas não eram amor, não como eu vejo o amor agora, pelo menos.
Era o frisson do impossivel, o thrill da esperança, os daydream constante, o aperto na barriga, o querer algo que não ia chegar, a dor profunda, o agarrarem-me as entranhas e fazerem chorar sem parar durante dias e dias. Isso agora não me faz sentido como sendo amor, mas de alguma maneira foi o que eu sempre relacionei com o sentimento.
Daqui sei distinguir claramente a paixão, o que ela nos faz ao julgamento, até onde ela nos leva, como nos faz levitar e sermos imprudentes, irresponsáveis, egoístas. Daqui, de agora, vejo os momentos de paixão, recordo-os com carinho e sorriso nos lábios, foi bom, paixão é sempre bom. Só não é bom quando o a seguir se transforma em qualquer coisa, que já não sei identificar e que antigamente chamava amor. Sinceramente não faço ideia de que é que são feitos alguns sentimentos!!
O amor como eu o reconheço agora, é tranquilo e sereno, é saber que a outra pessoa está lá, sem inseguranças ou medos. Está lá ponto. O amor não dura para sempre, toda gente já sabe isso, mas é sempre bom, calmo, pingado de felicidade e pequenos problemas do dia-a-dia. E doí apenas durante pequenos desconfortáveis instantes. Se doí demais, não é amor.
Odeio quando as coisas não me tocam, e já estamos nesse ponto. Não me chateia, não quero saber, não em interessa. É fixe, mais vale assim do que andar uma pilha de nervos todos os dias...
Mas quer dizer, supostamente devia ser uma coisa boa!
Não é...há meses e meses que não é.
Apetece-me ir viajar.
quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2013
Não, não morri
Corre mal, sinto tudo mal e estou farta!!!
Estas maratonas de estudo esgotam uma pessoa. Não se faz nada, de roupa de andar por casa o dia inteiro, come-se, estuda-se e dorme-se.
Não tenho muita inteligencia emocional...pasmem-se! Ainda não tinha bem percebido isso mas é verdade. As emoções controlam o meu dia, o que eu como, e o que eu faço. Irrita-me.
Não sei como mudar isso, mas gostava muito. Ontem de manha, com os nervos em frangalhos porque não conseguia fazer um exercicio tive um ataque daqueles maus. Precisava de aliviar a pressão e aliviei, é verdade. E ele aguentou-se a batida, bem, muito bem, melhor que eu, tão bem que só me apeteceu dar-lhe beijos.
Aiiiiii...quero que isto acabe para recuperar a minha vida. Ainda faltam 2 dias para o big exam e mais uma semana para o pequeno. Problema, o pequeno é de bla bla bla. Jeito zero, prefiro numeros, sempre preferi.
Quero o Verão.
Estou farta disto.
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